UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County, CA
University of California
UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County, CA

Ask a Gardening Question

Garden Help

Before Contacting Us

Please review our plant diagnosis questions before contacting us. It will help you gather information so we can better assist you. For many issues, our Garden Help pages or the UC Integrated Pest Management website may give you the answers you need.

Contact Options

Help Desk Online

Use this form to submit a gardening question to our Help Desk. When submitting photos of an issue, please also include a picture of the overall plant. We'll respond via email unless requested otherwise.

Help Desk Telephone

We encourage people to submit questions via the online form, but if you want to leave a message, dial 408-282-3105, and we'll return your call. In-person office visits are not available. 

Monthly Plant Clinic Online

Our monthly Plant Clinic Online is an opportunity to chat with a Master Gardener via Zoom to diagnose a plant problem. You can also listen and learn while other people ask questions. Priority will be given to questions that are emailed in advance; instructions are in the Zoom registration confirmation. Zoom registration required

At an Event

Ask us questions during any of our talks or events.

At a Demonstration Garden

Come ask questions and show us samples at one of our demonstration gardens. See individual garden listings for regular work hours (but please understand that Master Gardeners are volunteers, so hours may vary depending on circumstances). Also check our event calendar for open garden events. If additional research is needed, we may refer you to our Help Desk for further assistance.

Webmaster Email: webmaster-mgsantaclara@ucanr.edu