UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County, CA
University of California
UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County, CA

Fall Garden Fair Ornamentals

Some cool season ornamentals bloom in the winter while others grow slowly then explode into flower for fabulous spring blooms. Plant in September–October for beautiful bouquets in a few months.

Fall is also a great time to plant California native plants, which are adapted for growing strongly during the winter rainy season.

Plants are in 4-packs or 6-packs unless otherwise noted.

Please understand that some varieties may sell out quickly or not be available due to germination difficulties.

Ornamental plant list

Agrostemma Mixed Agrostemma githago
Delicate, satiny flowers in lavender-rose, shell pink, and white. Tall slender stems and grassy foliage. Beautiful as cut flowers. 3–4' tall. Plant 8–10" apart.

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Agrostemma Mixed Agrostemma githago
Delicate, satiny flowers in lavender-rose, shell pink, and white. Tall slender stems and grassy foliage. Beautiful as cut flowers. 3–4' tall. Plant 8–10" apart.

Clarkia ‘Mountain Garland’ Clarkia elegans
Easy to grow native wildflowers. Multiple flower stems are covered with small, ruffled blossoms in soft shades of coral, salmon, rose-pink, lilac, and white. Reseeds readily. 2–3' tall. Plant 6" apart.

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Clarkia ‘Mountain Garland’ Clarkia elegans
Easy to grow native wildflowers. Multiple flower stems are covered with small, ruffled blossoms in soft shades of coral, salmon, rose-pink, lilac, and white. Reseeds readily. 2–3' tall. Plant 6" apart.

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Columbine McKana Giant mix Aquilegia coerulea
Large flowers in shades of pink, lavender, yellow, rose, claret, blue, and white. Blooms in spring. Perennial, Part shade. 24–36" tall. Plant 10–15" apart.

Columbine McKana Giant mix Aquilegia coerulea
Large flowers in shades of pink, lavender, yellow, rose, claret, blue, and white. Blooms in spring. Perennial, Part shade. 24–36" tall. Plant 10–15" apart.

Linaria ‘Fairy Bouquet’ Linaria maroccana
Charming flower looks like a miniature snapdragon, with delicate ferny foliage. Lovely mix of crimson, yellow, orange, lavender, white and pink. 9–12" tall. Plant 4" apart.

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Linaria ‘Fairy Bouquet’ Linaria maroccana
Charming flower looks like a miniature snapdragon, with delicate ferny foliage. Lovely mix of crimson, yellow, orange, lavender, white and pink. 9–12" tall. Plant 4" apart.

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Rudbeckia ‘Cappuccino’ Rudbeckia hirta
Quart. Fleuroselect Award for beauty, productivity, performance. Heat/drought tolerant. Half-hardy perennial, full sun, 24–30" tall

Rudbeckia ‘Gloriosa Double Daisy’ Rudbeckia hirta
Quart. Large 4–5" double golden-orange blooms with dark eyes on long, strong stems. Annual, full sun, 3–4' tall

Rudbeckia ‘Goldilocks’ Rudbeckia hirta
Quart. Golden-orange, fully double, 4" blooms with deep-set eyes. Long, strong stems ideal for cutting. Annual, full sun, 3–4' tall

Rudbeckia ‘Indian Summer’ Rudbeckia hirta
Quart. Glorious golden-orange single or semi-double black-eyed Susan daisies. Large 4–7" blooms. Annual, full sun, 3–4' tall

Rudbeckia ‘Irish Eyes’ Rudbeckia hirta
Quart. Huge yellow flowers with green eyes, long blooming. Half-hardy perennial, full sun, 18–36" tall

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Snapdragon ‘Black Prince’ Antirrhinum majus
Deep crimson flowers. Blooms heaviest in cool weather, takes a break in the heat, blooms again in the fall. Annual, full sun, 16–18” tall

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Snapdragon ‘Lucky Lips’ Antirrhinum majus
Bright white flowers have raspberry-red lips and a blush on the edges. Deadhead regularly for best display. Annual, full sun, 24" tall

Snapdragon ‘Night and Day’ Antirrhinum majus
Stunning crimson red flowers with bright white throats. Deadhead regularly for best display. Annual, full sun, 18" tall

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Snapdragon ‘Orange Wonder’ Antirrhinum majus
Gorgeous sunset-colored flowers are shaded pink, orange, and yellow. Deadhead regularly for best display. Annual, full sun, 30–36" tall

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Snapdragon ‘Royal Bride’ Antirrhinum majus
Bright white with a cream center, lightly fragrant. Deadhead regularly for best display. Annual, full sun, 30–36" tall

Snapdragon Tall Maximum Blend Antirrhinum majus
Classic tall snapdragon in a bright blend of red, white, yellow, and pink. Annual, full sun, 24–36" tall

Sweet Pea ‘April in Paris’ Lathyrus odoratus
Intensely fragrant sweet pea with cream flowers edged in dark lilac. Strong grower. Developed by Dr. Keith Hammett. 6–8' tall. Plant 4–5" apart.

Sweet Pea ‘April in Paris’ Lathyrus odoratus
Intensely fragrant sweet pea with cream flowers edged in dark lilac. Strong grower. Developed by Dr. Keith Hammett. 6–8' tall. Plant 4–5" apart.

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Sweet Pea Cheri Amour Mix Lathyrus odoratus
Fragrant flowers with ruffled wing petals in bi-color combinations of salmon, pink, lavender, & rose. 8–10' tall. Plant 4–5" apart.

Sweet Pea Cheri Amour Mix Lathyrus odoratus
Fragrant flowers with ruffled wing petals in bi-color combinations of salmon, pink, lavender, & rose. 8–10' tall. Plant 4–5" apart.

Sweet Pea Jewels of Albion Lathyrus odoratus
Fragrant antique varieties in cool shades of blues, lavenders, and white. Heat tolerant with succession blooming. 6–9' tall. Plant 4–+F155" apart.

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Sweet Pea Jewels of Albion Lathyrus odoratus
Fragrant antique varieties in cool shades of blues, lavenders, and white. Heat tolerant with succession blooming. 6–9' tall. Plant 4–+F155" apart.

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Sweet Pea North Shore Lathyrus odoratus
Old-fashioned fragrance and modern frilled exhibition form, bi-color in claret and violet-blue. 6–8' tall. Plant 4–5" apart.

Sweet Pea North Shore Lathyrus odoratus
Old-fashioned fragrance and modern frilled exhibition form, bi-color in claret and violet-blue. 6–8' tall. Plant 4–5" apart.

Sweet Pea Perfume Delight Lathyrus odoratus
Heirloom blend of large, ruffled flowers with exquisite fragrance. Rainbow blend includes purple, red, rose, scarlet, white, blue, cream and some bicolors. More heat resistant than other sweet peas. 5–6' tall. Plant 6" apart.

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Sweet Pea Perfume Delight Lathyrus odoratus
Heirloom blend of large, ruffled flowers with exquisite fragrance. Rainbow blend includes purple, red, rose, scarlet, white, blue, cream and some bicolors. More heat resistant than other sweet peas. 5–6' tall. Plant 6" apart.

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Sweet Pea Queen of the Night Lathyrus odoratus
Stunning blend of super-fragrant antique varieties in rich, deep shades of mauve, maroon, crimson, navy blue, and salmon pink. 6–8' tall. Plant 4–5" apart.

Sweet Pea Queen of the Night Lathyrus odoratus
Stunning blend of super-fragrant antique varieties in rich, deep shades of mauve, maroon, crimson, navy blue, and salmon pink. 6–8' tall. Plant 4–5" apart.

Sweet Pea ‘Royal Wedding’ Lathyrus odoratus
Pure white ruffled blossoms with an enchanting fragrance. Award winning variety from England. 6–8' tall. Plant 4" apart.

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Sweet Pea ‘Royal Wedding’ Lathyrus odoratus
Pure white ruffled blossoms with an enchanting fragrance. Award winning variety from England. 6–8' tall. Plant 4" apart.

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Sweet Pea ‘Zinfandel’ Lathyrus odoratus
Fragrant early bloomer with large ruffled blossoms in a stunning deep burgundy color. 6–8' tall. Plant 4–5" apart.

Sweet Pea ‘Zinfandel’ Lathyrus odoratus
Fragrant early bloomer with large ruffled blossoms in a stunning deep burgundy color. 6–8' tall. Plant 4–5" apart.

Venidium Orange Cape Daisy Venidium fastuosum
Quart. Stunning deep orange daisy with maroon chocolate center on silvery foliage. Deadhead for continual bloom. Half-hardy perennial, full sun, 2' tall

Venidium Zulu Prince Venidium fastuosum
Quart. Dramatic large 2–3" flowers with a jet black center and white petals with rings of orange and purple in the center. Flowers close at night, re-opening in the morning. Grayish green mound of fuzzy leaves. Easy to grow, thrives in heat and drought. Re-seeds. Half-hardy perennial, full sun, 3' tall

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