January Tips
Monthly tips are categorized by To-Dos, What to Plant, or Pests and Diseases. Scroll through the list to see items in each category. Also, refer to our list of tips useful for any month.
To-do: January
Bare Root Roses
Bolting Lettuces
Certified Arborists
Citrus Fertilizing
Controlling Bermudagrass
Dormant Rose Pruning
Dormant Season Berry Pruning
Flowering Vines
Frost Dates
Fruit Tree Grafting
Fruit Tree Pruning
Harvesting Oranges
Houseplants Repotting
Leafy Salad Plants
New Trees Staking
Peach Leaf Curl Preventive Care
Prune Apple Trees
Pruning California Natives
Pruning Tools Maintenance
Recycle Holiday Plants
Save the Worms
Stake Your Brassicas
Stinkhorn Mushroom
Weed Management
Why You Should Test Your Soil
Winter Irrigation
Yellow Leaves on Citrus Trees
Pests and Diseases: January
Armillaria Root Rot
Citrus Leafminer
Control Insect Pests with Horticultural Oil
Don't Move Firewood
Dormant Oil Spraying
Rat Management
Slime Molds
What to plant: January
Amaryllis or is it Hippeastrum?
Bare Root Plants
Bare Root Roses
California Natives
Chill Hours
Fresh Cut Flowers from Your Garden
Perennials and Bunch Grasses
Plant Asparagus Crowns
Plant Native Shrubs and Flowers
Seed Viability
Selecting Seeds