Even in years with plentiful winter rainfall, our summers in Santa Clara County will always be dry. Planning your landscaping and gardens for our summer dry conditions will put you ahead of the game for future droughts and water restrictions. Here are some useful tips and links for homeowners and gardeners who want to manage their garden and landscape in a responsible, waterwise manner.
To-do: Waterwise Tips
Container Color Choice
Drip Irrigation
Drought Tip - Laundry to Landscape Irrigation
Drought Tip - Lawns
Drought Tip - No Fertilizer
Drought Tip - Trees Come First during Drought
Drought or Disease
Fall Irrigation
Fertilizing Ornamentals During Drought
Garden Planning in a Drought
Lawn Care
Save Water and Make Your Plants Happier
Water Budgeting
Water the Roots, Not the Plants
Watering Hydrophobic Soil
Pests and Diseases: Waterwise Tips
Ailing Ornamental Trees
Tomato blossom end rot
What to plant: Waterwise Tips
Aloe Plants
Arboretum All-Stars
Going Native
Lawn Alternatives