Succulent Growing Seasons
Bold indicates easier to locate plants
Summer Growers (Winter Dormant)
This group is generally regarded as the “summer growers”. Many of these will also enter a pseudo rest period for a few weeks during the hottest part of the summer before putting on a final burst of growth in September and October. These plants do not like winter wet conditions and do like some summer moisture.
Adenia, Adenium, Agave, Alluadia, Aloinopsis rubrolineata, brachystelma, Bursera, Calibanus, Ceropegia, Cissus, Cyphotstemma, Didieria, Dorstenia, Echeveria, Encephalartos, Euphorbia, Ficus, Fockea, Huernia, Ibervillea, Ipomoea, Jatropha, Lithops, Monadenium, Moringa, Operculicarya, Pachypodium, Pedilanthus, Plumeria, Pseudolithos, Pterodiscus, Raphionacme, Siningia, Stapelianthus, Synadenium, Tillandsia, Titanopsis, Trichocaulon, Trichodiadema, Xerosicyos
Winter Growers (Summer Dormant)
Usually referred to as the “winter growers”, these genera are dormant during the warmer months of May through August. Their primary growth actually occurs during autumn and spring while slowing considerably during true winter. Many will exhibit marginal growth during the summer months as well especially in the Lily and Crassulaceae families. These plants prefer no or little summer water.
Adromischus, Aeonium, Aloe, Anacampseros, Astroloba, Avonia, Bowiea, Bulbine, Ceraria, Conophytum, Cotyledon, Crassula, Dioscorea, Dudleya, Fouqueria, Gasteria, Gibbaeum, Graptopetalum, Graptoveria, Haemanthus, Haworthia, Kalanchoe, Neohenricia, Othonna, Pachycormus, Pachyphytum, Pachyveria, Pelargonium, Peperomia, Portulacaria, Sansevieria, Sarcocaulon, Sedeveria, Sedum, Senecio, Stomatium, Sulcorebutia rauschii, Talinum, Tylecodon
Source: Dr. James Feucht, Colorado State University Cooperative Extension