UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County, CA
University of California
UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County, CA

Summer Squash (including zucchini)

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Summer Squash
Summer Squash
How to grow: Summer Squash

Pest management: Squash cultural tips, pests, and diseases

The Basics

When to plant

  • Transplant or direct seed: May–July, possibly April for transplanting
  • For best results, wait until daytime temperatures are regularly over 70 degrees and soil temperature is over 65 degrees
  • Start in pots for transplants: March–June; ready to transplant in 4 weeks

Harvest window: July–October, depending on variety

Care overview

  • Encourage bees for best pollination.
  • Harvest squash while young and tender before they get too large and become tough.
  • Follow good cultural practices to prevent powdery mildew.
  • Treat squash bugs aggressively if found on plants.

Video: Zucchini to Harvest in Vertical Cage [1:15]

More links

Recommended Varieties for Santa Clara County*

Astia zucchini F1 French variety for containers & small gardens. Glossy green fruits on compact vines, early and productive.
Cocozelle zucchini Italian heirloom, dark green with light stripes. Compact and early. Pick as baby squash or up to 12".
Peter Pan pattypan F1 Light green, meaty scalloped squashes, vigorous and early. Delicious, sweet flavor. Pick at 1-3". AAS winner.
Romanesco F1 Italian type, dark green with light stripes. Early, productive, delicious.
Starship pattypan F1 Dark green scalloped squashes on vigorous, compact plant. Pick when small 3-4".
Sunburst pattypan F1 Tender, golden scalloped squash on a vigorous plant. Pick tiny with the blossom still attached or teacup-size. AAS winner.
Sunny Supersett F1 Delicious yellow crookneck with tender skin and nutty flavor. Bush plants are mildew resistant and productive.

Other recommended varieties: Aristocrat, Goldrush, Horn of Plenty, Raven

* Many other varieties may also do well here in Santa Clara County. This list is based on UC Master Gardener trials, taste tests, and feedback from local growers.

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