UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County, CA
University of California
UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County, CA

Water Wise Plants

Here's a full list of all our water wise plants. You can also view an image gallery, or view the plants by categories.

Borago officinalis

ber-AH-go oh-fiss-ih-NAH-liss
Common Name
Plant Type
Mature Size
2'-3' high x 1.5'-2' wide
Water Requirements
Low: water every three weeks until the root ball is wet
Sun/Shade Requirements
Full to half sun
  • Bees
Flower Color
Maintenance- Design- Planting Tips

The compact size, bright green leaves and blue springtime flowers of Borago officinalis provide a nice contrast to the darker and more muted greens of most water wise plants. Borage is an annual that dies back without supplemental water in summer. It reseeds readily, allowing new plants to spring up in random places. Plants are easy to remove when they begin to die back or if the seedlings come up in undesirable locations. The plant is edible and its star-shaped blue flowers taste like cucumber. In a low water situation, the plants seldom grow over 1.5 feet.


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