Water Wise Plants
Lippia nodiflora
LIP-ee-yah noh-dih-FLOOR-ah
Common Name
Plant Type
Mature Size
2–3 in. high, creeping, non-invasive
Water Requirements
Moderate: water weekly until the root ball is wet
Sun/Shade Requirements
Full to half sun
Flower Color
Maintenance- Design- Planting Tips
Design use: Groundcover. Good for large areas, slopes and hillsides with its deep roots. Takes light foot traffic, mowing not required, can be used as a lawn substitute with a once/month mow.
Kurapia is a creeping evergreen succulent with small white flowers which bloom May through October. The flowers attract bees, but mowing can reduce bee activity. There is a similar California native, but Kurapia was engineered in Japan, is sterile and non-invasive. It is low maintenance, can fertilize in spring and fall, likes loose soil, mow to renew. Tolerates deer, drought, and fire.
Where to See