Water Wise Plants
Arctotis ‘Purple Torch’
Common Name
African Daisy
Plant Type
Mature Size
1 ft. to 1 1/2 ft. tall and wide
Water Requirements
Low: water every three weeks until the root ball is wet
Sun/Shade Requirements
Full sun
Flower Color
Maintenance- Design- Planting Tips
Arctotis ‘Purple Torch’ is a low growing ground cover with gray felty leaves that are attractive even when there are no flowers. It begins blooming in the winter and continues until the weather gets hot. Other varieties of African daisy will bloom through the summer.
To keep Arctotis looking its best, the flowers should be regularly deadheaded when past their prime, and the plant should be replaced every few years. Cuttings root easily in the cool months. PADG notes: The Palo Alto Demonstration garden has planted ‘Purple Torch’ throughout the beds to unify the garden. It combines well with Bulbine frutescens, which blooms at approximately the same time.
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