Water Wise Plants
Common Name
Red Hot Poker
Plant Type
Mature Size
Varies by cultivar
Water Requirements
Low: water every three weeks until the root ball is wet
Sun/Shade Requirements
Full to half sun
Flower Color
Red, orange, yellow, near white
Maintenance- Design- Planting Tips
The glowing torch-like flowers spikes of Kniphofia are reliable midsummer bloomers and provide great vertical accents. Many sizes and colors of Kniphofias have been developed, including reds, oranges, yellows, and near whites. The flower colors can be dramatic and intense, so take care in selecting flower colors that blend well with your plants.
Deadhead the plants when the old flower spikes become unattractive. When the leaves start looking shabby in the winter, cut the foliage back about three inches above the ground. Kniphofia will come back beautifully in the spring. The plant divides easily but it doesn't seem to require dividing to stay vigorous. PADG notes: The Palo Alto Demonstration Garden has several Kniphofias including ‘Christmas Cheer', which is a UC Davis Arboretum All-Star. It has brilliant orange buds that open to a deep-gold tubular flower. ‘Christmas Cheer’ blooms in the fall and winter unlike many other Kniphofias.
Where to See