UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County, CA
University of California
UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County, CA

Posts Tagged: CDC

Ivermectin: Pesticide Misuse in Humans

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a Health Advisory recently in response...

Posted on Monday, September 6, 2021 at 12:00 PM
Focus Area Tags: Family, Health, Pest Management

Invasive Spotlight: Zika Virus

The Zika virus is spread to people mainly through the bite of an infected mosquito, mostly Aedes...

Posted on Thursday, March 2, 2017 at 5:11 PM
Tags: Aedes aegypti (2), albopictus (2), bites (6), CDC (6), Centers for Disease Control (4), Consumer Reports (2), DEET (4), EPA (9), lemon eucalyptus (4), mosquito (21), Picardin (3), repellent (9), UC IPM (438), virus (6), West Nile (3), Zika (10)

Zika, Mosquitoes, and Repellents

[From the August 2016 issue of the UC IPM Retail Newsletter] Concerns over the Zika virus have...

Table 1.
Table 1.

Posted on Thursday, August 25, 2016 at 2:08 PM
Tags: Aedes aegypti (2), albopictus (2), bites (6), CDC (6), Centers for Disease Control (4), Consumer Reports (2), DEET (4), EPA (9), lemon eucalyptus (4), mosquito (21), mosquitoes (13), Picardin (3), repellent (9), UCIPM (88), virus (6), West Nile (3), Zika (10)

Protect Yourself from the Zika Virus

You've probably heard about the Zika virus, a recent hot topic in the news headlines. A new...

Posted on Tuesday, March 8, 2016 at 3:10 PM
Tags: Aedes egypti (2), CDC (6), mosquito (21), regional IPM center (1), UCIPM (88), USDA (2), Zika (10)

'Kissing bug' not a new pest in California

Conenose or ‘kissing bugs' (Triatoma spp.) have received a good deal of press from CBS...

Adult western corsair bugs (Rasahus thoracicus) are insect predators and have a distinct orange spot on each wing. They do inflict a painful bite to humans, but are not blood-suckers.
Adult western corsair bugs (Rasahus thoracicus) are insect predators and have a distinct orange spot on each wing. They do inflict a painful bite to humans, but are not blood-suckers.

Adult western corsair bugs (Rasahus thoracicus) are insect predators and have a distinct orange spot on each wing. They do inflict a painful bite to humans, but are not blood-suckers.

Adult spined assassin bug, a predator of other insects.
Adult spined assassin bug, a predator of other insects.

Adult spined assassin bug, a predator of other insects.

Adult squash bug, a plant pest.
Adult squash bug, a plant pest.

Adult squash bug, a plant pest.

Posted on Wednesday, December 2, 2015 at 10:06 PM
Tags: bugs (5), CDC (6), Chagas (1), conenose (2), kissing bug (1), triatomine (1), UC IPM (438)

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