With the recent time change along with a change in temperatures, landscaping practices for pests...
Posted on
Sunday, November 15, 2020 at
12:00 PM
checklist (19),
cold injury (1),
diseases (11),
environmental disorders (5),
frost (1),
garden (95),
insects (20),
integrated pest management (44),
irrigation (5),
landscape (87),
ornamentals (4),
pest management (212),
pests (88),
prevention (17),
prune (5),
pruning (7),
sanitation (6),
tips (18),
tree care (4),
UC IPM (457)
Focus Area Tags: Pest Management, Yard & Garden
For a 7th year, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife will celebrate California Invasive...
Posted on
Friday, June 5, 2020 at
9:00 PM
ACP (32),
animals (2),
Asian citrus psyllid (32),
California (31),
diseases (11),
environmental (2),
HLB (27),
hunaglongbing (1),
invasive (77),
invasive species action week (11),
pathogens (7),
pest management (212),
pests (88),
plants (13),
UC IPM (457)
Focus Area Tags: Environment, Natural Resources, Pest Management, Yard & Garden
It is important for food-safety reasons to manage rats in school and community gardens. Rats and...
Posted on
Tuesday, July 17, 2018 at
9:52 PM
Focus Area Tags: Food, Health, Pest Management, Yard & Garden
Did you know that every 60 days, a new and potentially damaging invasive species enters...
Giant reed invading a waterway. (Credit: Joseph M. DiTomaso)
Giant reed invading a waterway. (Credit: Joseph M. DiTomaso)
Posted on
Thursday, May 31, 2018 at
8:00 PM
animals (2),
California (31),
diseases (11),
economic (1),
environmental (2),
globalization (1),
harm (1),
invasive species action week (11),
pathogens (7),
pests (88),
plants (13),
threat (1),
UC IPM (457)
Focus Area Tags: Pest Management, Yard & Garden
[From the Spring issue of the UC IPM Retail Nursery & Garden Center News]
Most disorders...
Posted on
Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at
11:00 PM
abiotic (8),
damage (19),
diseases (11),
disorders (1),
drought (10),
Green Bulletin (11),
Hartin (2),
heat stress (1),
landscape (87),
mechanical injury (1),
trees (18),
UC IPM (457)
Focus Area Tags: Pest Management, Yard & Garden