Roses are popular ornamental plants grown in home gardens, parks, and other landscapes. Just like...
Posted on
Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at
8:49 AM
beneficial (18),
controo (1),
Flint (4),
insect (18),
IPM (205),
Karlik (4),
landscape (87),
management (75),
mite (4),
ornamental (4),
pest notes (123),
pests (88),
roses (4),
UC IPM (457)
Focus Area Tags: Pest Management, Yard & Garden
Many gardeners and landscapers enjoy growing and caring for roses. Through careful selection of...
Posted on
Thursday, August 15, 2019 at
10:59 PM
care (2),
control (68),
cultivar (1),
cultural (1),
garden (95),
herbicides (3),
Karlik (4),
landscape (87),
Pest Notes (123),
pests (88),
roses (4),
UC IPM (457),
weeds (44)
Focus Area Tags: Pest Management, Yard & Garden
If you grow roses, you might be noticing damage on the flowers caused by hoplia beetles (Hoplia...
Mature larva of hoplia beetle. [J. K. Clark]
Mature larva of hoplia beetle. [J. K. Clark]
Posted on
Monday, April 24, 2017 at
11:48 AM
beetle (16),
bug (7),
chafer (3),
grubs (8),
hoplia (2),
Japanese (4),
management (75),
nonchemical (4),
pests (88),
petal (1),
rose (2),
roses (4),
UC IPM (457)