Like outdoor plants, houseplants can also experience pest problems. Did you know that too much or...
Posted on
Thursday, August 20, 2020 at
8:00 AM
bacteria (2),
cultural control (4),
disease (57),
fungus (8),
Hodel (6),
horticulture (1),
houseplant (6),
insect (18),
mite (4),
pest (258),
pest management (212),
Pest Notes (123),
Pittenger (3),
UC IPM (457)
Focus Area Tags: Pest Management, Yard & Garden
Palm trees are commonly seen in California, making some think about the tree-lined streets of...
Posted on
Thursday, August 15, 2019 at
4:48 PM
control (68),
disease (57),
Hodel (6),
IPM (205),
kill (1),
landscape (87),
management (75),
palm (2),
Pest Notes (123),
pests (88),
tree (25),
UC IPM (457),
wilt (1)
Focus Area Tags: Pest Management, Yard & Garden
[From the May 2017 issue of the UC IPM Green Bulletin]
The bronze bug (Thaumastocoris peregrinus)...
Fig 7. Leaf showing bronze discoloration. [D. R. Hodel]
Fig 7. Leaf showing bronze discoloration. [D. R. Hodel]
Posted on
Monday, June 12, 2017 at
10:40 AM
Arakelian (1),
bronze bug (1),
california (31),
eucalypt (1),
eucalyptus (3),
Hodel (6),
hosts (2),
invasive (77),
Ohara. (1),
parasitic wasps (1),
pest (258),
Thaumastocoris peregrinus (1)
[From the August 2016 issue of the UC IPM Green Bulletin]
A new psyllid pest that causes a...
Posted on
Wednesday, September 21, 2016 at
8:30 AM
Chinese banyan (1),
cuban (1),
dara (2),
eskalen (1),
ficus (1),
FLRP (1),
hodel (6),
Indian laurel fig (1),
leaf (1),
management (75),
ohara (1),
pest (258),
roller (1),
rolling (1),
UCIPM (88),
wilen (13)
[From the December 2014 issue of the UC IPM Green Bulletin]
Victorian box (Pittosporum undulatum)...
Posted on
Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at
9:39 AM