Keep your lawn healthy during summer and throughout the year by learning more about proper mowing,...
Posted on
Wednesday, July 25, 2018 at
11:00 PM
Focus Area Tags: Family, Pest Management
Spring is a good time to begin monitoring for any lawn insect pests. Pest examples include various...
Posted on
Monday, March 28, 2016 at
11:43 AM
caterpillars (2),
controlling (2),
damage (19),
grass (4),
grubs (8),
insects (19),
lawns (7),
monitoring (5),
Pest Notes (121),
pests (88),
turfgrass (5),
UCIPM (88)
[From the August 2015 issue of the UC IPM Green Bulletin]
Q. How much water do landscapes...
Posted on
Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at
9:41 AM
conservation (1),
drip (1),
drought (10),
grass (4),
irrigation (5),
landscape (79),
lawn (17),
native (1),
Pittenger (3),
sprinkler (1),
sprinklers (1),
tree (22),
trees (18),
UCCE (6),
water (11)