Posts Tagged: moth
New Video from UC IPM on Pantry Pests!
If you have insects invading your kitchen or pantry, or if you've ever opened stored food...
Dealing with Pantry Pests
[From the July 2015 issue of the UC IPM Retail Nursery and Garden Center IPM News] Pantry pests...
Light brown apple moth or look-alike?
Nursery workers are the first line of defense in detecting light brown apple moth when growing...
Spring Treatments for Backyard Fruit Tree Insects: Codling Moth
[From March 2013 issue of the Retail Nursery and Garden Center IPM News.] March is the time to...
What are those flies coming out of the drain?
Drain flies, also called moth flies, are small flies that develop in decaying organic matter in...
A drain fly