If you are growing tomatoes in your garden, you may not be the only vertebrate going for your hard...
Posted on
Tuesday, August 4, 2020 at
3:18 PM
Focus Area Tags: Food, Health, Pest Management, Yard & Garden
Trapping is the safest and most effective method for controlling rats and mice in and around homes,...
Posted on
Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at
3:00 PM
house mouse (5),
management (75),
mice (13),
Niamh Quinn (4),
pest management (212),
Quinn (19),
rats (21),
rodent (15),
rodents (12),
trapping (6),
traps (11),
UC IPM (457)
Focus Area Tags: Health, Pest Management, Yard & Garden
Two species of Blatta cockroaches can be common peridomestic pests in California, including the...
Posted on
Wednesday, July 10, 2019 at
7:59 PM
bait (11),
cockroaches (12),
pest (258),
pest management (212),
pest management professionals (5),
public health (21),
school (3),
Sutherland (17),
trapping (6),
traps (11),
UC IPM (457)
Focus Area Tags: Health, Pest Management, Yard & Garden
[From the May 2017 issue of the UC IPM Green Bulletin]
The West Coast Rodent Academy (WCRA) is a...
West Coast Rodent Academy Workgroup [K. Willingham]
West Coast Rodent Academy Workgroup [K. Willingham]
Posted on
Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at
9:44 AM
commensal (1),
cooperative extension (2),
disease (57),
environment (5),
monitoring (5),
operators (1),
PCOC (1),
pest management professionals (5),
rodent (15),
rodent academy (1),
SCREC (1),
target (2),
trapping (6),
UCIPM (88),
univar (1),
vertebratesstewardship (1)
[From the May 2017 issue of the UC IPM Retail Newsletter]
Keeping backyard chickens is becoming...
Posted on
Wednesday, May 10, 2017 at
8:42 AM
backyard (3),
baits (2),
california (31),
chickens (3),
diseases (11),
garden (95),
home (18),
house mouse (5),
mice (13),
poultry (1),
rodenticide (11),
rodents (12),
roof rat (1),
trapping (6),
UC IPM (457),
wire (1)