UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County, CA
University of California
UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County, CA

Monthly Tip

Late Tomatoes

Tip description

Tomato blossom
Tomato blossom
How many more edible tomatoes can you expect to get this year? Any tomatoes currently on the plant are likely to ripen nicely in the next month or so. Current blossoms may lead to good tomatoes, mealy tasteless tomatoes, or none at all. It depends on the weather. Many of us have taken the gamble and eaten tomatoes into December and beyond, more for the challenge and bragging rights than for exquisite flavor. But a cool fall can affect production and quality, and some gardeners start removing blossoms now. This allows the plant’s energy to go into the existing fruit. If we have another mild winter like last year, the plant could survive and produce another crop of tomatoes next summer. We each make our own decisions based on our guesses, hopes, energy level, and available garden space.

More information: Growing tomatoes in the home garden

Months applicable
  • September
  • 1. To-do

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