Water Wise Plants
Here's a full list of all our water wise plants. You can also view an image gallery, or view the plants by categories.
Acacia cultriformis
a-KAY-see-uh kul-tre-FORM-iss
Common Name
Knife-leaf acacia
Plant Type
Mature Size
10'-15' high x 10'-15' wide
Water Requirements
Very Low: water deeply several times a summer
Sun/Shade Requirements
Full sun
Flower Color
Where to See
Maintenance- Design- Planting Tips
Acacia cultriformis is a tree that can reach 15' in both height and width. It has striking silver-gray leaves and is covered with vibrant yellow flowers in winter. This is a very drought tolerant tree and can go without water in summer once established. Although generally considered a problem-free tree, acacia branches can be more prone to breakage in windstorms than some other trees. Consider location carefully when planting.
PADG notes: The tree is a focal point during winter in the garden. It is pruned to a size that suits its small garden bed. During the dry season, drip irrigation is used every three weeks. |
Aesculus californica
ES-kew-lus ka-li-FOR-ni-ka
Common Name
California Buckeye
Plant Type
Mature Size
Can grow 10 - 25 ft. or more, and spread 30 ft. or wider
Water Requirements
Very Low: water deeply several times a summer
Sun/Shade Requirements
Full to half sun, shade
Flower Color
White to pink
Where to See
Maintenance- Design- Planting Tips
The California buckeye is an unusual native because it is summer deciduous. It will naturally drop its leaves with the heat of summer, but with regular watering it may hold leaves longer. Its nectar/pollen is poisonous to European honeybees, but not to native bees. The flower has a candy or perfume-like scent, and blooms in very early spring.
The tree produces a large nut that resembles a buck's eye, thus the name. The nut is poisonous to eat. The nuts easily reseed where they fall, so collect them if new sprouts are not desired. Without summer leaves, the pale bark of the California buckeye offers interest and structure in the garden and is very easy to prune and shape. |
Arbutus unedo ‘Compacta’
ar-BYOO-tus YOO-nee-doe
Common Name
Strawberry Bush
Plant Type
Mature Size
10' high x 10' wide
Water Requirements
Low: water every three weeks until the root ball is wet
Sun/Shade Requirements
Full to half sun
Flower Color
Where to See
Maintenance- Design- Planting Tips
Arbutus uneda or Strawberry Tree is a small tree with dark green leaves. It has dainty, white, bell-shaped flowers in the fall and winter. The flowers are followed by small, bright red fruits that somewhat resemble a strawberry. The fruit is enjoyed by birds and although not toxic to humans, they are not considered tasty. The fruit can be messy if the tree planted over sidewalks or patios. PADG notes: The tree was planted at PADG in 2020. It is currently doing well and is drip irrigated every two weeks during the dry season. As it matures it will need less water. |
Ficus carica ‘Panachée’
FY-kus KAR-ih-kah
Common Name
Panachée Striped Tiger Fig
Plant Type
Mature Size
15 -30 ft.
Water Requirements
Low: water every three weeks until the root ball is wet
Sun/Shade Requirements
Full sun
Flower Color
Where to See
Maintenance- Design- Planting Tips
Tiger figs have beautiful striped, green fruit and large attractive leaves. The fruit requires a long warm season to ripen, which may not be possible in all parts of Santa Clara Valley. See the fig page for more information about growing figs.
PADG notes: PADG's two Tiger fig trees were too large for the modest-sized beds where they were planted, so had to be heavily pruned every year to keep them small enough. The Tiger figs have been removed and replaced with a dwarf fig cultivar called “Black Jack”. |