UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County, CA
University of California
UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County, CA

Posts Tagged: leaf roll

Top 5 Tomato Plant Problems Solved!

Tomatoes are so popular with home gardeners, that a 2014 study by the National Gardening...

Posted on Friday, June 23, 2017 at 9:28 AM
Tags: blossom end rot (2), catfacing (2), cracks (2), green shoulders (2), leaf roll (3), solar yellowing (1), sunburn (2), tomatoes (4), UC IPM (436)

Solutions to Top 5 Tomato Plant Problems

From the UC Master Gardener Statewide Blog The tomato is one of the most versatile and rewarding...

Posted on Friday, July 15, 2016 at 3:23 PM
Tags: blossom end rot (2), catfacing (2), cracks (2), green shoulders (2), leaf curl (4), leaf roll (3), Master Gardeners (6), snowden (2), sunburn (2), sunscald (1), tomato (6), tomatoes (4), UCIPM (88), yellowing (1)

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