UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County, CA
University of California
UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County, CA

June Tips

Garden Help > Monthly Tips

Monthly tips are categorized by To-Dos, What to Plant, or Pests and Diseases. Scroll through the list to see items in each category. Also, refer to our list of tips useful for any month.

To-do: June

Bee Swarms
Broccoli - Multiple Harvests
Citrus Fertilizing
Container Color Choice
Direct Seeding
Drip Irrigation
Drought Tip - Irrigate Efficiently
Drought Tip - Laundry to Landscape Irrigation
Drought Tip - Lawns
Drought Tip - No Fertilizer
Drought Tips - Vegetable Gardening
Eliminating Perennial Weeds
Encouraging Dahlia Blooms
Fertilizing Ornamentals During Drought
Fruit Thinning
Garden Planning in a Drought
Garlic Harvesting
Geranium Care
Keep Foliage after Bloom Fade
Lady Beetle
Pinch Your Basil
Pinching Flowers and Herbs
Prevent Fruit Tree Sun Burn
Protect Native Bees
Soil Solarization
Summer Vegetables
Support Your Vegetables
Testing Soil Moisture Depth
Tomato Bottom Scarring
Tomato Staking
Transplanting Vegetables
Vegetable Garden Check-In
Water Budgeting
Water the Roots, Not the Plants
Watering Hydrophobic Soil
Weed Spotlight - Bindweed
Weed Spotlight - Filaree
Weed Spotlight - Spotted Spurge
Worm Composting

Pests and Diseases: June

Armored Scale Control
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
Carpenter Bees
Codling Moth
Cottony Cushion Scale
Eugenia Psyllid
Fire Blight
Fungus Gnats
Fusarium Wilt
Giant Whiteflies
Identifying Beneficial Insects
Rose Care
Spotted Wing Drosophila
Squirrel Control
Sudden Oak Death
Tick Information
Today’s Grubs Are Tomorrow’s Beetles
Tomato Hornworm
Tomato Russet Mite
Verticillium Wilt
White Butterflies and Green Caterpillars

What to plant: June

Asian Vegetables
Attracting Bees
Fresh Cut Flowers from Your Garden
Growing Peppers
High Yield Vegetables
Nematode Control with Marigolds
Plants to Attract Butterflies
Selecting Seeds
Stone Fruit Hybrids
Tomatillo (Physalis philadelphica)
Vegetable Planting Chart

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